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Hi! My name is Miguel González and I am a PhD Student Researcher at Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT) with the support of a “la Caixa” foundation INPhINIT Retaining Fellowship. I studied my Master’s Degree in Advanced Mathematics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) with the support of a grant from ICMAT. My bachelor degree was a Double Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at UAM. My mathematical interests are differential/algebraic geometry, topology and moduli spaces of geometric structures such as vector bundles and Higgs bundles. My PhD project is titled “Higgs bundles, Hausel algebras and involutions”, under the supervision of Oscar García-Prada and Tamás Hausel.

In this website, you will find some of my publications in the projects section. These include the ApunTeX, which are my revised class notes (in Spanish) from mathematics lectures I attended in college, and that I hope will help future students. I also intend on writing blog posts, mainly about mathematical ideas that I found interesting during my learning process.

You can contact me at my email adress, and find more about my career at linkedin. Here is my CV.