Miguel González

PhD Student Researcher in Mathematics


Office 413, Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT)

C/ Nicolás Cabrera 13-15

28049 Madrid

My name is Miguel González and I am a PhD Student Researcher at Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT) with the support of a “la Caixa” foundation INPhINIT Retaining Fellowship. I studied my Master’s Degree in Advanced Mathematics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) with the support of a grant from ICMAT. My bachelor degree was a Double Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at UAM.

My mathematical interests lie in the area of algebraic and complex geometry. I am interested in the study of moduli spaces of geometric structures on Riemann surfaces (such as Higgs bundles), Langlands duality and mirror symmetry. My PhD project is titled “Higgs bundles, Hausel algebras and involutions”, under the supervision of Oscar García-Prada and Tamás Hausel. You may find my research-related publications in the research section.

You can contact me at my email adress, and find more about my career at linkedin. Here is my CV.


Sep 08, 2024 From September 30th to October 4th I will attend the 2024 Clay Research Conference workshop: The P=W Conjecture in Non Abelian Hodge Theory organised by the Clay Mathematics Institute at the Mathematical Institute, Oxford.
Jun 24, 2024 From July 1st to July 19th I will attend the 2nd Simons Math Summer Workshop: Moduli at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics in Stony Brook, USA.
Jun 23, 2024 Website migrated to a new design powered by al-folio!

Selected publications

  1. Cyclic Higgs bundles and the Toledo invariant
    Oscar García-Prada, and Miguel González
    arXiv preprint
  2. IJM
    Hitchin map on even very stable upward flows
    Miguel González, and Tamás Hausel
    International Journal of Mathematics, 2024

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